Regular Monthly support for Mentoring Program

Monthly gifts are the lifeblood of our ministry.  With regular support that we can count on, Paths of Hope is able to meet our budgeted ministry commitments and look to expand our rapidly growing programs.  

As referenced in previous updates, our ministry projects in Peru have advanced rapidly during the pandemic. Since quarantine restrictions were put in place, our Trauma Competent Care (TCC) training for our mentoring program has been held online instead of in-person, allowing us to lead more training sessions at a lower cost. After conducting multiple online trainings, we now have children’s homes which are ready to receive these trained volunteers who will serve as mentors to the at-risk youth in the homes. The staff at the children’s homes are also requesting to participate in the TCC training themselves. We would love to be able to accommodate each request and help improve the quality of care the staff is able to provide at each home.

We will begin working this month with Hope House, a home for abandoned and at-risk girls on the outskirts of Lima, as well as a large government-operated children’s home within the city of Lima.  Providing trained mentors through local churches is the first step in our mission to “guide and support young adults to discover and pursue the purposes of God.” Other important aspects of our work include teaching life skills, counseling, and providing educational support and career development after high school. 

But mentoring is the first step. Having a trusted friend who can encourage and guide these youth as they age out of institutional care and move into a world where they have no one, is crucial to their future success.

So, will you help us? A regular monthly gift of $35 or more would allow us to expand our training staff and the number of trained mentors we can provide for adolescents in homes. We would like to add 15 new monthly donors by next Monday, Memorial Day.

Would you join us in being a part of the ministry in Peru?

Please visit to make your gift today.


Staff Training in Trauma Care Begins for one of the Oldest Children's Homes in Lima


Video Update from Lima